There was a lady at our first performance who told us about life back when they were kids, in the 70s. I asked what they did for fun. She said sometimes they would go see movies. They would also spend a lot of time talking on the phone, and she remembers her mom scolding her, “I don’t know how you girls have so much to talk about!” And also, every Friday, their high school would hold a “sock hop”, a dance, in the gymnasium. They called it a sock hop because they made the kids take their shoes off, so they wouldn’t damage the floor of the gym with all that dancing. She also said that, sometimes, for fun, they would go drag-racing on a nearby highway that was under construction. I don’t know how they got in, but they did!
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That sounds more like the 50s and early 60s. In the 70s we did talk on the phone, but we also hung out at the skating rink a lot, and went to movies at the theater. It was also the beginning of the Mall Culture, so hanging at the record store was the thing to do, or just walking up and down the mall. And, if there was a beach, we were there--even in the winter sometimes. There were no computers, video games, and there were only three TV channels, so if the President spoke, there went TV for that night. I personally also read a lot, but most people I knew never read at all.